
Soda is a Belgian comic series . The screenplay is by Philippe Vandevelde (Tome) (known for Robbedoes and De Kleine Robbe ) and the drawings are by Luc Warnant, Bruno Gazzotti Gazzo, Olivier Labalue and Dan Verlinden.

The main character David Ellioth Hanneth Solomon, nicknamed Soda, is a New York police officer . His family is of Scottish descent. He has convinced his mother, who has problems with her heart, that he is a priest. But since she moved in with him, he has to live two lives. That’s why he changes every day in the elevator.

Soda is not a conventional hero. His father was a sheriff in Arizona and died there (one of the reasons his mother couldn’t live with the idea that her son is also a police officer), and on his left hand he only has three fingers (he carries always a leather glove). How he lost them is unknown.

Soda 01-05


Soda 06-10


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